Rose nails with gold dots

This is my favorite mani I've done in a while! It's simple but not boring. I am in love with Julep's "Jaydra" it's described as a sheer rose holographic. I wouldn't necessarily call it sheer though. This is two coats, and it's opaque, except in the harshest of light. The holo is subtle, and hard to capture in pics, but when you see it in person, it's gorgeous, the particles are really fine. I followed two coats of this baby up by using a dotting tool to add a dot of Julep's "Daylee"on each nail near the cuticle line. Daylee is a warm gold, but it's almost a duochrome, it has a bottle green shift in some lights. Overall, I'm loving this paint job, it feels feminine and Springy, but kind of a modern take on pink nails.


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